Game of Pokemon


OK this is going to be fucking intense NSFW.
Ok so one day i was watching Game of Thrones and i came upon this strange episode called "Game of Pokemon". I watched and it was really weird.
It wasn't sent in Westeros, but some kind of ancient medieval Pokemon world. the episode started off with the opening, but instead of showing the normal cog-castle thingies it was pokecentres and pokemarts instead. it still had the same GOT music, though. Then the title screen came up, and it said "Game of Pokemon" instead of "Game of Thrones". The episode then started.
It started with Eddard Stark- though it wasn't really him, it looked more like Ash Ketchum with his sword. It showed a person he was about to execute by beheading. it wasn't any old person, but a member of Team Rocket in some kind of old robe that had a letter "R" on it. Then (as i called him) Ash Stark beheaded him and hyper-realistic blood went everywhere.
It then cut to a scene where King Joffrey was on the Iron Throne, but instead of having Joffrey's head he had James from Team Rocket. There were Magikarps flopping all around him and then he ordered them to be executed then a Dusknoir came out and killed them all and hyper-realistic blood came out. I thought this was fucking weird. Then it cut to a huge battle scene with all these Charizards flying in the air burning down villages. People were on fire and then Tirion Lannester came out (with Brock's head) and  killed them with his Blastoise.
Then it cut to a brothel scene..."oh fuck", i thought to myself, "what next?" It showed these guys going into a brothel and there was Misty inside naked with big tits. there was also dawn and May and Serena and they were all getting brutally fucked and jizm was flying everywere. Some men were fucking Gardevoir's as well and other pokemon. Then some random guy came in with a big hairy throbbing red cock and thrusted it in a Gardevoir's mouth and a generous load of seed squirted in her mouth. He then went to misty and stuck his dick into her pussy and impregnated her with dragon babies. She then proceeded to give birth to a charizard.
"WHAT THE FUCK", i screamed. This was intense, even more so than normal GOT episodes. It was so realistic that hyper-realistic blood and cum started leaking out of my T.V. Then, to my uttmost horror....a skeleton popped out. I then screamed as it started raping me. I then died. How the fuck am i writing this if I am dead? Also WHO WAS PHONE?